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Type of Clay for Fermentation Crocks


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I've read as many posts as I can find about making fermentation crocks and lids. One person said they use stoneware. A post by Min said they used porcelain. 

I would like the clay to be free of impurities and not porous.

What type of clay should I use? And do I have to glaze the inside? If so, can you recommend a foodsafe glaze that will stand up to fermentations?

Thank you.


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There are as many answers to this as there are cultures in the world.  Can you be a bit more specific on the fermentation vessel style you're making, what kind of food you're fermenting, etc.  

You can ferment food in a glass jar, so glazed is fine.  

Korean onggi, for fermenting kimchi, were traditionally earthenware, which is porous.  German pickle and sauerkraut jars were glazed.  The subtleties of fermenting in each style are going to be lost on 90% of people.


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First, use a clay body that vitrifies at whatever cone you're firing to. Then use a durable glaze on the inside that doesn't have any ingredients that will be an issue with leaching. You could color it white with zircopax like Liam suggested, or just leave it clear. You can do whatever you want on the outside of the jar where it won't contact the food. You can do a simple glaze durability test by making a small bowl/dish and leaving vinegar in it for a few days. The glaze should remain glossy and the vinegar shouldn't discolor.

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