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Using Kiln After A Fire (Like In Flames)


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Hi all,

I had a fire in the kiln today. Something stupid I did, don't wanna go too much into it but basically flames were shooting out of the kiln. I placed couple of candles thinking I can burn off the wax (scent wasn't selling, and I'm also overworked. I could have just scraped the major chunk first but didn't) - that caused flames and pretty disastrous evening for everyone.


My question is: Do you think the kiln is totaled? Would it be still ok to use? What are some steps I could take from here?


Thank you

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you'll have to test. Its hard on elements but not as corrosive as other destructive things you could do. Its difficult to say without seeing the flames and knowing the condition of your kiln previously. Did you continue firing or turn it off? If you turned it off, get the wax out of there if there is any left. Refire everything else. Then you'll know if there is any damage done. 


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I've seen a similar situation with a wax fire in a kiln. The inside of the kiln was coated with waxy soot, a real mess. We had to scrap that kiln because we had no way to burn it out. it was in a school so we couldn't just  start it up and let the smoke billow out. But if you can do that, you should be able to burn it out. Check the wiring and make sure nothing seeped through into there, but I would think that the kiln will be fine once you burn out whatever remains of the wax and soot. You may have shortened your element life a bit, but the kiln itself should be fine.

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