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  • Location
    Glasgow, OR
  • Interests
    Ceramics: Sculpture and mosaic .
    Oil painting: Visionary Landscapes, Sci-fi, Botanicals.
    New Age music.
    The Pacific Northwest.
    Addictions: Science fiction, gaming (formerly), solo travel, the pacific northwest

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  1. Maiolica is friggin' hard. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. yappystudent


      Thanks for the advice and the link. Mainly I'm just grumbling but the advice is appreciated. I have watched that video and some others, but that's not exactly what I'm trying to do. Her work is more Majolica, I'm trying to adapt Maiolica and go for something like an 'ancient but refined' (?) look. I'm working on three different experiments that are Maiolica/Majolica-like. It's hard to describe even to myself but I'll know it when I see it. The oxide was an impulse because I figured it would give me nice clear black, stable lines to paint underglazes over at bisque stage. I also tried one with black underglaze outlining on sandy clay, and another with a smooth black clay body with lighter values of slip painting. All are still in the greenware stage but I'm enjoying the process, except for the oxide. I may have to take a trip to buy black mason stain and ask the pottery store folks about the other materials you mentioned for outlining. Here's an image of the oxide (right) and underglaze (left) pieces as-is: 1234015688_Majolicaexperimenttwovesselsgreenware.jpg.d13f465e8c445a4aea8727971bd91b34.jpg

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Have you thought about pseudo mishima where you wax over a glaze and scratch in the drawing and fill with underglaze? It looks like what you are doing may work with that technique.




    4. yappystudent


      Sounds like a good suggestion. I'd certainly have more control over my outlines that way. 

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