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  1. Odd question but somewhat ceramics related, anybody spray their veg plants or fruit trees with calcined kaolin (mixed with water and soap) as an organic crop protectant?

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    2. Min


      I stumbled across a product called Surround which has it's ingredients as 95% kaolin and 5% of a proprietary something or other.  It got me reading and it looks like just plain old calcined kaolin and soap would do the same thing. Supposed to confuse the bugs and maybe also act as a barrier in areas of extreme heat. Don't think I'ld want to be downwind when it's being sprayed but maybe less harmful than some of the chemical pesticides, dunno? The amount of rain we are getting lately would wash it all off.

    3. iffetorbay


      Hi @Min,

      I know a biological growing orchard near Quebec City (QC Canada), of which the owners apparently use clay on the fruit trees, apples, pears, etc . I know because they mention it as such.  If you'd like to write to them , this is their e-mail: fermelamarianne@gmail.com

    4. HenryBurlingame


      I had an orchard at one point and also worked in various orchards over the years. Clay does get sprayed on the trees and fruit, but it was just used as fruit sunscreen to prevent burn damage.

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