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Status Updates posted by Pyewackette

  1. It's official, and medical mystery solved.  I have Addison's disease.  So an end to 30 years of declining functioning and having my issues foisted off on alleged "mental problems".  Too late to rescue any of my multiple careers - but at least I still have enough life left, and now the energy, to spend lotsa time playing in the mud!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JohnnyK


      Good to hear that you have it under control and can make the best of your time going forward! Have fun in the mud! Having gotten a half inch of rain yesterday, I can play in the mud on my farm and the mud in my studio...

    3. Pyewackette


      I am so slow - I thought "how does a half inch of rain flood the studio too???" Hoist on my own (verbal) petard!

    4. Denice


      I am happy that you finally got a diagnosis.   I went through the same thing with doctors,  they would imply that I was a hypochondriac.    I was finally diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 55,  my MRI showed that I had it for a long time.   I first started having symptoms in my early 20's,  my husband and I are 70 years old.   We are trying to live as much life that we can everyday.   We drove to Kansas City today and bought a new Challenger with all the bells and whistles.  I have a mural project that I am starting to work on in my studio.   Live a full life.  Denice

  2. Well of course they treated us like we were hypochondriacs.  We are WIMMINZ!!!  All wimminz are hysterical nutbags.  I had a (female) friend who nearly died from prolonged internal bleeding because that's what doctors by and large thought (and still think).  The one doctor who finally treated her appropriately told her the answer had been in her blood work all along, if only anyone had bothered to actually analyze the results.

    It's not a lot better for old men.  But old women (like us) still get it worse.  Oh the horror stories I could relate after I moved my dad in with me ...

    The first doctor I suggested Addison's Disease to LAUGHED at me, no kidding, laughed right out loud.  Big Belly Laughs. After my first Addisonian crisis.  Despite my telling him I'd been diagnosed as borderline for it years ago.  It took a SECOND Addisonian crisis and almost another whole year before I got appropriate treatment. In the hospital, the nurse kept telling the doctor - 3 times in 5 minutes - that I had "multiple non-specific complaints", which is medicalese for "she's imagining it all".  She wasn't even going to test me for Covid, which is what I thought it was at the time, having had it already once right at the beginning of the pandemic. I had to tell the doctor that my PCP wanted me tested (which wasn't really true but WOULD have been if she had known what was going on) to get tested for Covid because whatever that nurse had told him out of my hearing had hardened the idea that I was a Big Fat Faker.  Oh and I had lost 25 lbs in less than a week by then (ultimately it was 40 in 10 days) and I got told I sure had it to lose.


    You have my complete sympathy.  At least mine can be easily treated with 2 tiny pills a day.  I have regrets about the fact that nearly my entire adult life passed me by while I wasn't getting treatment, but mostly after all this time I'm just relieved to be more or less normal - health-wise at least. Surely your health would have been better had you started receiving treatment earlier, overall?  Sure wish we could go back in time and tie some knots in a few tails ...

    1. Denice


      My new doctor ( woman) asks me why I don't like coming to see her.  It is hard to explain how horribly doctors have treated me even as a child.   My son was treated badly by our family doctor.    My son is brilliant but was having a hard time in school.  I watched a program on ADD,  it answered all of the questions about my son.   I called a specialist and he said my son had to have a full physical before he would see him.   Our family doctor asked what the physical was for,  when we told him he said there was no such thing as ADD that our son was spoiled.   We went to the specialist,   he tested our son and said it was the worse case he had ever seen.  His mind was working so fast he couldn't focus on anything.  Once my son started on Ritalin his grades went from D's and F's to A's and B's in one semester.   The next year our family doctor was named Doctor of the Year in Kansas,  disgusting turn of events.  The company my husband worked for had a off brand insurance  and he was the only doctor we could find that would accept it.  Would have changed doctors in a heartbeat.   Denice





    2. Pyewackette


      Switching to a PM.  A little TMI for public consumption LOL!

  3. I don't need you to remind me of my age. I have a bladder to do that for me.

    --Stephen Fry

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