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    Los Osos, California

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  1. Thinking about starting to stockpile for a studio show in six months.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. glazenerd


      Perhaps a more direct answer. It is not your ability, nor time constraints that are holding you back. So that means the only obstacle holding you back is fear. What if I don't get done in time, what if my pieces do not sell? What if they do :)

    3. GiselleNo5


      I have done the show two years in a row. The second year I had 3x as many pieces and earned 3x as much. There was a huge focus on mugs last year, nearly everybody who bought anything bought a mug, occasionally they would buy something else too. Very few large pieces sold but I still like to have them because they draw people in. Those are my thoughts anyway.

    4. GiselleNo5


      Last year the last two months before the show were a desperate scramble and I DO NOT want to do that again. It was extremely stressful for my household and just about killed me. I don't think I slept more than four hours/night for the month before. I suppose I could make a plan to make X number of pieces each week that are put aside for the show. And if it does not sell at the show it will sell online, as Roberta said.

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