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  1. I am finally back in the studio, hand- building. It is 23 degrees and I am snowed in. I won't get back to the wheel until spring.

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    2. Denice


      It is also cold and miserable here and we had a snow storm move in this afternoon.   I am fortunate that my studio is attached to my house.  I get enough warm air  from a house vent to keep it from freezing,  I turn on a electric heater in the morning and the shop is warm enough to work in by noon.   I thought you had to dry frozen clay and rejuvenate it.  It has something to do with the realignment of the clay particles  when it freezes.  I could be wrong I have never had to deal with it and it has been a long  time since I had a clay and glazes class.     Denice

    3. liambesaw


      It's sunny and hot today, better get to work Gabby!

    4. Gabby


      In fact at 6:30AM I was at my table, carving a border onto a plaque. I have never made anything big and flat, so we will see how it survives. It is going to have an image "painted"in underglazes, including some oranges I am trying. [Now would I have called it hot here today? It was 34'.]

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