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Marcia Selsor

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  • Location
    Red Lodge, Montana
  • Interests
    Besides chemistry, history, techniques, clay bodies, kilns and firings, ceramics collections and museums, I am interested in Civic engagement, gardening , bird watching, Montana outdoors, historical places, education.

    my website includes many "how-to" pages for making quick terra terra sig, to building raku kilns. http://www.marciaselsorstudio.com

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  1. Getting into the Red Lodge pace of living. Library book sale today. Recycling open Wed. and Sat. $10 bag of select produce or $20 bag of select meat during the first week of the month. Movies show for 2 days. So far I have seen Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, Bourne movie, and Rogue One using my Senior pass.. This is the oldest continual use Theater in Montana. There are a few couch filling in some of the space. Taking one of my dogs to the vet today. H has a bad heart murm...

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    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      yes. I love it. Dead quiet at night. Kids ice skating at the city park. No crime rate because no crime.

      on a first name basis at the hardware stores..both of them.


    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Got a call from a former studio mate's cousin who now owns a gallery. I will be a featured artist for their opening of the summer season. Nice to be back!

      Also invited to participate inFebruary's art walk in Billings.

    4. glazenerd


      All good news- glad for you. However, enjoy the down time as well.

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