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Bat shopping for a Speedball...

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Good morning!


As of late, I find myself anxiously awaiting little bowls from the two bats I have in

order to make more. Though I am new to pottery, I prefer to leave projects on the plastic

bats until they are dry enough to move elsewhere to finish drying.


Last night I was shopping online for additional bats for my Speedball wheel, and

came across several sites with various types. I haven't forgotten Ebay and Amazon,

but the prices seem a tad high.


I don't have enough experience to try out new things just yet, so I'm sticking to

the plastic bats. Could anyone suggest a good site for purchase of additional bats?


It seems the great prices are tarnished by high shipping charges. Several sites offer

savings for purchase of six, which would be fine, though at this point I don't need

too many.


*Update* Found some interesting reading!


BAT WHEEL TIPS - From BigCeramicStore.com



Many thanks for any suggestions.


Karen :)

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Thanks for the link Karen!


I have several different types of bats, some plastic (two different types), Masonite, and even have tried the Wonder-bat and haven't

quite found one I'm really happy with quite yet. I do like the Masonite bates, until they start to warp, then getting the true again is

quite a pain in the hind end to say the least.


I too have been looking at other bats, and have been seriously considering plaster bats. I've looked at a bat system for making my own,

(and I'll be honest here, I'm not feeling very confident in my abilities and skills at the moment) but I'm not sure if I'm up to taking on such

a task quite yet. I've found the Hydro-bat online, and I'm wondering if anyone has given them a try and if so, what do you think of them?


Here's the link I found for them.




Jeri Lynne

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I like to throw small forms on plaster bats (under 7 of clay)

I make them myself from metal pie tins I make two sizes-I throw a pad of clay on wheel head and stick them down to that

The small size is from those mini pie tins the large size is from standard pie size -these are for larger pots-(6-8#s)


I have tried all kinds of plastic-wood bats

My favorites are

Blue Plastic Bats


I use these 13 inch ones for all plates and the larger 15 inch for med. platters

You can get a deal on them if you buy 10 or more at a time -shop around for this deal

You will see this lower price at the link you poster at the bigceramicstore-once you put 10 in your cart-I think they are 7.20 each

Others also sell them cheaper in 10 lots

These bats have a matt surface that clay sticks well to and still cleans easy-they are stored flat and have worked well for the past 15 years of production pottery

I feel these are one of the best plastic bats as I have 3 other brands here as well-the blue plastic ones are our favorites.


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My favorite by far are Medex bats, available from North Star Equipment. They are absorbent and last much much longer than Masonite. They will hump up very slightly in the middle, but always sit flat around the edges, so you just flip them each time you use them. By as many as you can afford NOW, because you will need more in the future, and shipping will be cheaper per bat the more you order.

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  • 3 months later...

My favorite by far are Medex bats, available from North Star Equipment. They are absorbent and last much much longer than Masonite. They will hump up very slightly in the middle, but always sit flat around the edges, so you just flip them each time you use them. By as many as you can afford NOW, because you will need more in the future, and shipping will be cheaper per bat the more you order.




I am looking to buy a number of bats specifically for dinnerware as well as large platters and bowls. I don't like plaster bats and have been reading about some called Wonder Bats, made by Rocky Mountain Wood Masters. Their claim is they do not warp over time and more importantly, you do not have to wire off the plate after you finish throwing it. It will release like plaster.


They are expensive but I will save the cost just in not having to cut-off platters especially.


Does anyone have experience with these and can you attest to the how real their release capability is?


Many thanks,


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have Medex bats but these blue bats are way better

I use both sizes in large quanitys-they always stay flat if you store them flat

They never wear out the holes hold up and they clean easy-

Mark C

Big Ceramic store has them as do others


Blue Plastic Bats

If you like the Plasti-bats but need a less expensive solution, this is the answer. Blue plastic, matte both sides. 1/4" thick. Sized to hang 1/2" over your wheel head for easy removal (use 13" size for 12" wheel head, and 15" size for a 14" wheel head.) Drilled with 10" spacing. If you want custom drilled plastic bats, we can get these blue plastic bats custom drilled by the manufacturer. You have to order in full cases of 10 for this service. A separate shipping charge for custom drilled bats will apply. Email us if you have questions.





loobul1a.gif13" Blue Plastic Bat


loobul1a.gif15" Blue Plastic Bat

$10.75 less 10-15%



$8 less 10-15%






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