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Porous Casting Resin Pressure Casting

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I was looking at hydraulic casting with gypsum mold products. They make an alternative pourus casting resin. Has anyone used it? Who would supply it? What would the ball park cost be? How durrable is it?

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The only folks I know who have the U.S. rights to the porous resin process is RamPress industries. The hydrocal molds are about 1/10- 1/20th the cost of the resin molds but the resin last many time longer than the hydrocal molds.

I'm not sure if there is a cost advantage to ram pressing considering the cost of the mold and the number of pieces it will produce over it's life time.

A friend of mine had a new mold crack after 30 pressings so each piece cost him $20 each, ouch.

Frankoma pottery in Tulsa, OK (don't know if they are still in biz) used each mold till it wore out and they had their own mold shop.

You also have to keep the resin mold moist for the life of the mold I heard.

Check with Ram on the price.


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I'm not sure if I would be infringing on the patt process...someone else may know.

I have seen an asian and a german patt on the porous resin and there may be others?

I was looking at a used ram press, and could make the moulds.

You have given Me some food for thought, and a place to start.


Thank you

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