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Is this kiln worth it?

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I have the ability to buy this kiln for $180. The seller has not confirmed themselves that it works, but they bought the house that it was stored in and the previous owner said it worked. I would have to add in a plug to be able to accommodate the 240V plug however, the only studio rental in my city is very expensive so it might be worth it to have my own instead if I pick up an inexpensive wheel as well. 

The style is Olympic Electric Kiln, Model 1818H SN 10734 240V Cone 10. I have photos that look like it is good condition. If anyone knows if this is a good deal or what size that would be, any information would be greatly appreciated. 


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It's small, not ideal for anything but mugs and small vases. It's underpowered for its size, too. I would put it at a cone 8 kiln rather than a cone 10 at only 21 amps, so element life won't be great. But you could always swap out with elements from Euclids elements to bump up the power a bit. Does it include a stand? Is the floor or lid cracked?  The kiln is sitting upside down, so all those broken brick will need to be replaced or the elements will flop out when you flip it over. I'd pass on it unless you want to do a bunch of work and spend an additional $400 on parts.

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That is the exact kind of info I am looking for. I am new to pottery, so I don't have the info, and the person selling it inherited it when they bought the home so they know nothing about it too. I don't want to put a bunch of work into it and wasn't sure if this was selling cheap because of the work needed or selling cheap because the person didn't know what they had. I will pass on it and keep my membership with the studio. Thank you for the help

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