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Raku glaze angst question please


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Thank you again. I'd love to buy a kiln with more functionality one day, but at the moment, that's what I have. (It is  wonderful though!) As for dunking, thank you, but I've tried that already and didn't have any luck.

Someone else actually recommended to me that I bisque lower, so I guess it's worth trying whatever I can!

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Hmm busquing lower will increasd the porosity and so pit will suck moisture out of glaze more rapidly. Wondering if spraying pot with starch or sugar soln will seal it enough to allow glaze to be painted on more effectively

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  • 4 months later...

We are getting good results with a raku glaze my partners used way back when they were in grad school - like 45 years ago. It is 80% frit 3110 10% EPK 10% Silica 325 mesh. Even though it has not opacifier, it comes out white on white clay (with the unglazed parts becoming black). Crackles well. Thick application. We initially added low water for a 6000g (total dry weight) batch, he insisted on 3500ml of water because he liked the way it looked on his finger. We never tested for SG. But it was very difficult to sieve or mix (hard pans). He added Epsom salt mixture, but even then, it did not stay mixed and was hard to stir.  I added 4% gum solution to my portion of that batch, and it brushed on very well. This round, I made a smaller batch with a higher water content. I did a 3000ml of water to a 3640g batch. May need to add another brushed on coat to compensate for it being slightly thinner, but it was much easier to sieve, and using my hand it mixes better too.

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