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Removing dry pieces from wooden board

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Hello! I’ve run into an issue where I’m having a hard time removing my pieces from the wooden board they were drying on. I’m trying to remove it with just the wire tool but it’s not budging. I have two pieces, one that has been drying for 5 days and another for 11 days (which would leave it close to bone dry but because of the studio restrictions I couldn’t come in to trim it sooner). Both pieces were kept wrapped and aren’t bone dry yet I think. I’m debating on wetting the board and using water to help glide my wire tool to slice it off the board but I wanted to get other people’s opinions on it first. Thanks ahead!

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1 hour ago, stneenz said:

hard time removing my pieces from the wooden board they were drying on.

Just a suggestion, next time place a cheap paper towel on the board before you set your ware on it. It will dry evenly and not stick to the  board.

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