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Olympic gas kiln not reaching temperature

Lo Ratcliff

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Hey there, 

I am new to using gas kilns and also have a new gas kiln (olympic dd9 to be specific).

I am having a few issues to say the least... I cant seem to get past 1900 degrees and hold temperature... Ive only had 1 successful cone 5 firing and it barely pulled through... It feels liked ive tried everything, more air, less air, moe gas, less gas... I just dont know what else to do... or what exactly I should do to keep temperature and build it. I ramp perfectly but once it hits 1600/1700 it starts to dwindle....

My other issue is gas, The olmpic book/manual says I should onnly be using 10 gallons of propane per run?... but every run I do  use my whole 22 gallon tank(100lb tank) or I dont have enough and it cute off...

I know reading this it sounds like I am using too much gas but I dont think thats it. 

Please anyone with gas kiln experience I would love some advice 


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9 hours ago, Lo Ratcliff said:

I know reading this it sounds like I am using too much gas but I dont think thats it. 

There's a good chance you are using too much gas if you're using that much more than they say you should and it's stalling at that low a temp. More gas does not equal more heat. Gas kilns require flow- the hot air comes in, the heat is transferred to the ware, and the air moves out the chimney, replaced by more hot air. If you pump too much gas and air into the system, it can't move through efficiently and backs up in side the kiln and the temperature stalls. Try firing with the lowest settings you can and see how it goes. Set the gas to the minimum to get a temperature climb, adjust the air for the amount of reduction you want, and adjust the damper so there's back pressure out both spy holes. One spy hole will have a lot of pressure, the other just a puff. From there make small adjustments to increase the rate of climb. 

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Also make sure the load is stacked right some big stuff down below and some 1/.2 shelves help with that flow Neil was taklking about. Thes ekilns work best with a top shelve or two 1/2s on the top below lid. I see most folks not opening the air flaps enough on venturi burners as well. I as stated abouve would go with a digital pyrometer (to see small temp changes) and start with low settings on propane and go slow not crankcing it up thinking more gas will get it hotter . Start damping it down on top hole at bisque temp and keep the flow going thru it. It needs to breath to get hot. I agree with Neil above small adjustments less gas.-If your tank is freezing up get a bigger tank as well or manifold two tanks at once.

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