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New to Pottery—Any good used models I should search for?


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I'm brand new to ceramics and throwing, and want to get a starter wheel.

Wondering if anyone can tell me any models to keep an eye out for USED, or what a good option would be that's not too steep NEW. I can't find very much out there that speaks to the history of machines, or good machines to look out for used. 

I found a Creative Industries MP that powers up and spins, but doesn't have the pedal so it's at 1 speed. From what I've learned here, CI is no longer around, so getting a replacement pedal seems a near impossible feat. Is this machine still worth it even at 1-speed? 

Thanks for any info, and apologies for the noviceness



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I bought a used pacifica gt400 a few years ago --  the price was right--and I have been very happy with it . I don't consider it a starter wheel but it is one of the lower priced full featured wheels so you might be able to find a used one at a decent price. It's quiet and smooth  and  I haven't had any problems at all with it.  I think it is about 12 years old at this point.   I believe it is rated to 80 lbs but I haven't thrown much over 10-12 lbs on it so I can't attest to how it handles heavier loads.  Personally I would not spend money on a single speed wheel if you can't get a foot pedal. 

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There really isn't such a thing as a starter wheel. There are less powerful and more powerful wheels, but for the average user they all work fine. A wheel will last for decades, so get what you really want if you buy new. For used, don't get the one speed wheel. That will just hold you back and make learning more difficult. In general, if it spins smoothly and relatively quietly and the pedal works then it's probably worth buying. You'll just have to decide if it's worth the price they're asking. I think most people ask way too much for their used wheels. I personally would never pay over $500 for one. But some folks ask $800 for a wheel you can buy new for $1200, inch which case I would just buy a new one and have a warranty and not have to worry about how it was treated before. Used wheels can be hard to come by, so you won't necessarily be able to find a specific model you want.

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