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First time kiln buyer help


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Hi y'all!

I'm going to go see a kiln in person tomorrow. It's a Skutt 818-240. Owner seems to have boughten from someone else too, because they don't know how old it is but has had it for 3 years.

She says it works well, but my only concern is that the the brick on wall is chipped but the coil is good. Is this going to be a problem functionally? I have attached a picture for reference.

She is asking for $375 and she does NOT include shelves. Given that there are no shelves, chipped brick, and it works (yes, I will ask to plug it in before handing them money) a good deal? If not, what would you offer?


Additional info: Sitter Kiln LT-#K, 50 AMP

Aside from that anything you think I should be looking for in particular when checking it out or any questions I should be asking? Please let me know thank you

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Looks like it's in great condition. The brick color is still quite white, which means it hasn't been fired all that much. They start to yellow as they age from use. The chips in the brick are not a problem at all because they are above the coils. $375 seems like a fair price in today's market, but it never hurts to haggle. Offer $300 and see what happens!

The Sitter is rated for 50 amps, but the kiln probably pulls around 24 amps. Kilns need a breaker that is 25 % greater than the draw of the kiln, so at 24 amps it will need to run on a circuit with a 30 amp breaker. If it pulls above 24 amps then you'll need a 40 amp circuit.

18" wide kilns can be pretty limiting on what you can fire. The kiln shelves will be 15 1/2" wide, and by the time you put the posts in you've only got about 12" in width to work with for wide bowls and plates. It's a great size for mugs and small vases and such, though.

Have you figured out where you'll put it, and how you'll vent it?

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Hi @neilestrick Thank you for your input. Thank you for mentioning the color of the bricks - i think you are right this is a great deal knowing that they start around 1.6k lol

Great, question on ventilation. I am thinking of putting it in the basement in this room where there is no carpet and close to the washing machines..or in the garage. My father has worked with making ventilation systems, and he is open to try to make one for the kiln, as we do not want the harmful dust in our homes. I will continue to research and see if it's better to leave it in the basement or in the garage. And you are right, it is limiting! I am thinking of using this one for small things to give away or sell, and go into the studio for the bigger projects that are occasional haha!

And sorry if I worded this wrong - I didn't mean to say they are chipped lightly. Rather 2 of the bricks in the kiln have cracked and you can see the coils (reference photo attached)- hoping that's not a problem? 

Again thank you for your response to my post :) 

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