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Commercial liner glaze?


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I am relatively new to ceramics and just setting up a home studio. All experience thus far has been at studios with the studio's clay and glazes. In researching I am becoming a bit worried about which glazes to use on food contact surfaces. I don't plan to mix my own glazes right now and will be buying a few to try out. It seems as though the safest choice for food contact surfaces is a clear or white liner glaze. Any recommendations for commercial versions if these or other advice? Also any sources or suggestions for further education are much appreciated! Thank you!

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If you search the forum for food safe glaze, etc… you will likely be able to read a bunch. I like this explanation from Mayco for its simplicity and relative completeness. A lot of safety has to do with durability, potentially harmful oxides etc… so it definitely deserves as much reading as you can take in. I suggest to start here for a general idea: https://www.maycocolors.com/resources/dinnerware-food-safety/

Then search the forum and of course google can be your friend. When you develop specific questions, post them here, lots of folks skilled and experienced in glaze chemistry.

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