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How to add jpg image to Ios project for Visual studio with Xamarin.

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Hi Carmelo!

I'm interested to see if you get any useful feedback on your question!

My background scada began in pixel by pixel screen painting and keystroke by keystoke processing of user input - scada in c, indeed, running on plc. Integrated scada packages came much later - by that time, I'd specialized in communication protocols, low level troubleshooting, an' the like. Enough about me!

Xamarin: Xamarin is an open-source platform for building modern and performant applications for iOS, Android, and Windows with . NET. Xamarin is an abstraction layer that manages communication of shared code with underlying platform code.

Here's an article on images in Xamarin, and an Xamarin forum

Images in Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin | Microsoft Docs


      ".jpg" search not specific enough here - over 130 pages!

See also stackoverflow.com, medium.com? Try ".jpg support in Xamarin" via your favourite search engine.

There are several regular contributors to this forum that share their extensive knowledge and experience in ceramics; the digital tech discussion I recall seeing here over the last several years had to do with fire control, both the ready-made boxes, and the "home made" as well. There's a bit (pun anyone?) of application discussion here and there as well, user level.

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