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Repairing a hairline crack in a glazed piece

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  I am new to this site so hello to everyone.

  I hand build elaborate work for drinking from.  I recently made a crocodile head and after glaze firing a small crack formed in the bottom corner of the piece.  Oddly it is not on the seam where clay was connected during hand building.  Regardless, the piece now cannot hold water and leaks.  I would like to repair this crack in a way that keeps it food safe.

  I am considering simply painting glaze over the crack.  This means I would be painting glaze over already fired glossy glaze.  I have never done this.  Is this safe to do?  Will glaze in a crack expand in a way that could further damage the piece?  I have a friend who says they have reassembled broken pottery with glaze but he mentions that the re-heating of the piece can cause other issues and possibly create more cracks.

  Any other ideas for repairing this crack?  All thoughts are appreciated.  Thank you for your time.


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Hi I would not try to mend any functional pieces unless purely for self or non functional.

Search the forum. Many posts on how it can be"mended". But final advice for functional is make another 2.....

Better to work out why it cracked.

Post a couple of images and you'll get answers to that.


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