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elements in Electric Kiln

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Hi  has anyone ever come across an electric kiln with different gauge elements. I have one that has small gauge in the base and on the side walls the gauge is bigger. The problem is the Kiln has never fired evenly not matter how change the firing cycle. Its is always too hot in the base and and cold in the top. Making the top third of the kiln unuseable.

cheers Sian

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Most kilns that only have one thermocouple have the elements made so the very top and very bottom element run hotter than the middle elements. This compensates for heat loss out the lid and floor. It sounds like yours has an element in the floor, too? If it's firing very unevenly, there's a good chance the elements need to be replaced. Just because they're getting hot doesn't mean they're getting hot enough to do the job. It's also possible that someone put the wrong elements in at some point, or put them in the wrong place. Call the kiln manufacturer and see what they say.

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Hi Sian,

Might help to load more the bottom more densely and stagger half shelves at the top - given you have some half shelves - so the ware at the top "sees" more element. Staggering the shelves is making all the difference for my set up, fwiw.

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If your elements are made from different gauge wire and the manufacturer doesn't believe you then obviously something has been changed or if it's a new kiln somebody messed up. You need to find out what the resistance should be for all elements then measure yours and compare,  start troubleshooting from there. 

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