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Would love feedback on travel lecture for NCECA

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I will be giving a lecture at NCECA as part of the student programming and I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys. I will be discussing my experience of living abroad part time for 2 years in Egypt and how it has effected my art practice. This occurred after I got my bachelor's and I'm currently getting ready to apply to grad school. I should just add that I wasn't a wide eyed, 22yr old looking for adventure, recent graduate. I was a 38 yr old, mom of 15 yr old, newly divorced,  trying to create a new life and figure out what I wanted to make, recent graduate. My experiences both abroad and at home have completely changed the why I make and by extension the what. ( I call it my EAT, CLAY, LOVE experience, lol)  I expect my audience to be students and those looking to travel abroad. There is a lot I could include but I want to make sure I'm providing value and I really don't want to make it feel like you're watching your grandma's  vacation slides from 1985.

So, my question is...

What would you want to hear/learn about from a talk like this?

What should I leave out? 

Thanks in advance,


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Share what you gained from the experience. I have lectured to large groups at NCECA. Practice your presentation. Visit the tech room to make sure everything is working. Then share with us how your awareness was expanded personally and in clay. NCECA has lots of interested minds , so they want to hear what you have to say.  I'll be there.  What is the title of the entire panel? Will you be using "Spring" as your name?

you could include daily routines like grocery shopping, neighbors, the details of routine living; what you were doing in clay, potters, firing processes, how you adjusted to new circumstances, how your daughter adjusted to new circumstances, how you were treated by others. 


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Marcia thanks for the great advice.  I never considered talking about my daily life there but now that you mention it, I can see how it would be interesting.

When I say I lived there part time, I meant that I lived there for a month or two then I would come back to the US and work for another few months then go back to Egypt. I spent a fourth of the year in Egypt divided between two trips, always staying in the same area. 

I look forward to meeting you. 


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As you prepare for your talk, make sure to identify for yourself no more than a half dozen big things you got from your periods away from home, ideas you'd like your audience to remember. These should jump out to your listener as you present, because you address them specifically.

I'd think about how relevant or timely those are for members of the audience at different stages in their artistic journeys. It would be valuable if there were some take-aways for people young or early in their work and some for people already with more experience.

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