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sending a Christmas Card


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Graditde List; Am grateful for hot water in the pipes, heat in the home and light in the bulbs. We have food in the fridge. I have a wife who hasn't kicked me to the curb and is cooking like a women possessed for dinner tomorrow. My Truck started today and all the tires are up. Really gravy in this department. Less than 100,000 mile and just paid it off. (How sweet is that!) My family is well (save one serious illness). There is stuff under the tree. It wasn't delivered by a caring church as was the case one year. Santa and God has been kind. We'll get to see the smiles of our kids and Grand kids. Most the bills are, well, Ok. I have a good job, even Holiday pay. My neighborhood is not a war zone unlike many other places in the world. There is not a racial, religions, politial or drug related cleansing happening outside my door. Our elected goverment officials are holding hand and singing "Kum-ba-Raa" (well ya can't have everything) But we can still pitch a ###### and vote. I even have a functioning clay studio to play in. (That's gravy too.) Also I am grateful to Ceramics Daily and this community of clay mongers who are willing to share their thought and skills so we all can learn and grow. Be thankful for the little things for they are what make up the bigger picture. I realize that most my stuff is big stuff if you are without them. I am a bit eclectic in my beliefs, But may the spirit of giving to the point of self sacrifice. Love that includes forgiveness and excludes no one, and the belief that the whole word can can be united in peace thru these two actions be in your hearts and homes this Christmas. Remember that Christmas is like a fist fight, It is always better to give than recieve. ain't clay fun! Kabe

p.s. Next time they do a remake of Chares Dickens the "Christmas Carol." When the ghost of Christmas past shows up, they should us the "Capital One Gang!" "Whats in your wallet?" Have a Marry Christmas and Happy firing to all.

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