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Repair Or Hunt For New Kiln? Crusader 220S Kiln


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I picked up this kiln with a kickwheel a while back as a package, and I'm now in the position to finally want to figure outif I can get the kiln operational

It's a crusader 220s kiln, very old, with an lt-4 kiln sitter.

I'd love any advice on what would be practical/cost effective. The kiln + wheel was $150, and I was into the kickwheel as is, so the kiln was an extra I decided to figure out at a different time. I'd really like to get started at least bisquing some of the stuff I've been making at home, since firing at the places I've been working at can be a bit sporradic. I'd even eventually be interested in making a DIY electronics firing controller and some other snazzy fun stuff, but for now I just want to start getting something off the ground in SOME Way so I can fire my own experiments.

The bottom ring of bricks has been chipped and the bottom itself has a few large cracks/chunks missing and would need repair/replacement. The lid is iun great shape The other firebrick is great except for two chipped bricks under the lid. MNClay seems to have replacement elements for $26, and the last element is snapped/disconnected. I'm not opposed to trying to hack something together or explore on what could be improvised if going through with an extensive repair is too costly. Bricks are $12 from mnclay preformed for the 220s, it seems.

Any advice/help would be appreciated, pictures of the relevant parts included:


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Kiln looks good. When you fire it, all the mould will burn off.Is the bottom covered in canvas or something? Remove that.


Great, so it seems like that's 2 votes for keep/repair? The mould is also barely there really, it's just that the camera flash enhanced it. The bottom is just a towel so I can move it around a bit before I fix the real bottom and place it in its final resting spot. Here's pics of the bottom with the missing chunks:




So, as far as I understand, this is what I would want to do:


1. Buy a new element ($26)

2. Buy 9 new channeled fire bricks for the botttom ($100)

3. Use some form of kiln repair solution and the old fire bricks to patch the old bottom & MAYBE replace the small chunks up top?


Step 3 is the one I'm a bit unsure on, but overall it seems like it's a worthwhile investment for $150+ to get the kiln running again?


I'd love some specific advice on what to do to repair the bottom and if buying new channeled bricks at $11 a pop for the last element is a good idea.


Thanks for the replies so far.

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