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  1. Hello, Has anyone tried to let gold overglaze drip free form over a piece? If so, did have thin drips so they wouldn’t come out bad in the firing, and or go over places that are to thin? I am putting over Amaco’s Satin Black Glaze. Any suggestions? Thank you so much, your help is greatly appreciated!!! Sandi
  2. Thank you so much!!! You made my day!!!
  3. I hope it's okay to ask this question here. I want to do a sculpture where I using a Cone 6 Terra red and White clay. I need to connect the two but I can't find two that are exactly the same shrinkage with out the color changing on the Terra red. Can you get away with the shrinkage off a little with out it cracking or breaking? I was looking at two clays the Terra red is at 11.48 % and the White at 11.37% shrinkage. Would I be able to get away using them without be totally the same shrinkage rates? If so which one would I used to slip them together? Thanks for your help! Sandi
  4. I have a Skutt kiln with the newer electronic keyboard. I do have information from one skutts tech support on how to program your kiln to a slow cool down. I wanted to do this so I wouldn't get stress cracks in my sculptures. You can also verify that this will work for you have a Skutt kiln. I can post all the info if anyone is interested and the name and ext. of the Skutt tech I talked too.
  5. Hello, Is it possible to use wadding on a bisque firing of cone 04 and then wadding on the glaze firing cone 5 or 6 on a hollow porcelain piece that has a small pour hole opening? Can you us wadding with porcelain? Does the wadding just come off the piece? Thank you! I appreciate all the help that any one can give me!!! Sandi
  6. Does Porcelain Stilts need to be coated with kiln wash or anything else? Thank you, Sandi
  7. The piece is slipped cast. Can I ask where you got the porcelain Nichole support rods. It is something I definitely want to look into and purchase. Does the porcelain slip have a lot of memory like the clay? Thank you for answering my post! Sandi
  8. It is going to be glazed. Firing at cone 5. It's a large egg. I trying putting the smaller ones on egg tilts but the area where the post showed up a couple hours later after the glaze firing. I was going to put the larger one on a bed of nails stilt. The piece was slipped casted. Thank you for answering my post and trying to help me! Sandi
  9. Hello, Has anyone been successful at stilting entirely glazed pieces of non-functional like decorative pieces porcelain? If so could you explain in detail what you did. Thank you, Sandi
  10. Thank you Bill. I would never have thought of that . I think I will try your suggestions. Sandi
  11. Thanks you for responding. The eggs are lay flat and the pour is on the bottom. That is what meant by horizontal. Sorry sometimes I dont know the best wording to describe something. They will have raised englobes on them and glaze. So I am worried that something will happen to the raised decoration if I don't elevate the through both the cone 04 and cone 5/6 firing. Thank you, Sandi
  12. Hello, I am going to be casting some 2.5 inch horizontal porcelain eggs. This is the first time for to do these in porcelain. They are highly decorated. I do not know if I want to only glaze parts or the whole egg. I was wondering since they highly decorated on bottom as well is it possible to use those egg stilts with the rod and insert them through the pour hole that is in the bottom or would they get dented. I would be using those rods in both the cone 04 firing and the cone 5/6 firing as well. I use a bed of nails stilts for my larger eggs but the smaller eggs get a lot of stilts marks on them and even with grinding the stilts marks off the bottom surface looks awful. Could you help me please! Thank you, Sandi
  13. Will gold or copper luster leave color residue on bisque like gold or silver overglaze would, or would it burn off the bisque and leave the bisque color on changed like mother of pearl luster? The clay I am using is Amaco High Fire Buff #46 Thank you! Sandi
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