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Lucia Matos

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Everything posted by Lucia Matos

  1. Hi Pye, Which pugmill did you decide to get? And how do you feel about it a year later? I have some wrists issues and want to be able to do this for hopefully many years, so I am considering buying a pugmill. Thank you! Lucia
  2. Thank you very much, Neil! I just ordered it from them today! Lucia
  3. Hi Neil, It is a Light Dome. I got it because I can set it up by myself and it is sturdy. On another note, I love the underglaze transfer pieces you are posting on Instagram!
  4. Thanks for the advice. I am terribly not mechanically inclined, but I hope to get better.
  5. Hi everyone, Does anyone know where I can get a bar/ pole to hang up lights or a curtain inside a canopy? I found this one, but it doesn't have hooks on the sides. It has holes instead: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1430637-REG/impact_bg_cb13b_hd_13_crossbar_black.html/?ap=y&smp=ba_f1_lar&lsft=BI%3A514&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3a2iBhCFARIsAD4jQB27MgQMfVTYnfMqo6QDCggNJV-vtjKSfC0wdMTChgE9AEQB4pauTSQaAp3KEALw_wcB I spent so much time trying to find one, with no success. Thank you! Lucia p.s.: @GEPWhere did you buy yours, and what are they called? Thank you so much! And thank you for your super helpful blog articles.
  6. Hi Neil, Thank you very much for your always on-point advice! So nice you wrote. It is good to know that there is more leeway nowadays. You photos always look so beautiful! Thanks again and please let me know when you have any workshop coming up in the Chicago area. I will for sure be there!!!
  7. Hi Mea, Thank you so much! I just ordered the background. I just to tell you that I love your work and I also loved your online glaze courses. Thank you again! Lucia
  8. Hi Callie, Yes, I will get the Thunder Grey background. Thank you! And you are absolutely right. I have one light above to the right of the subject. I didn't think of adding a cardstock or foam core to the other side to bounce the light. That's a great suggestion. Thank you!
  9. Thank you so much for your comprehensive answer. I forgot to include that this is for art fair applications. I am not selling my work yet, but I am learning how to do it and getting ready for starting applying for next year shows. Thank you again!
  10. I like photography, but I am just now starting to learn how to take proper photos of ceramics. Would you be so kind to give me some critique on how I can improve these? My aperture was 9, ISO 100, and I used one light and a tripod. The purpose of these photos is to start applying for next year's art fair shows. Thank you so much! Lucia @luciamatosceramics (Instagram) P.S.: These are only 500KB photos. They had to be very compressed to be uploaded here.
  11. I would love to attend a workshop by Anna Silverton, Rupert Spira or Clare Conrad. And most of all, if they were still alive, Lucie Rie, James Lovera, and Otto and Gertrud Natzler.
  12. Very good advice. Thank you @Pres @Russ @oldlady @LeeU. @Callie Beller Diesel that is a big one. It is good to read it, as I am here reading the forum, delaying a little going to practice at the wheel, with fear that nothing will work today. Going there right now! Thank you.
  13. @Pres Thank you very much for creating this post! it is so inspiring and educational to go through everyone's list and discover these masters.
  14. Both the form and glaze are gorgeous!!!
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