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  • Location
    Montreal, Canada
  • Interests
    Coffee roasting, espresso machines

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  1. Hello everyone.

    Thank you for creating friendly community. So much knowledge and experience is concentrated here...

    i am husband of amateur potter, and my duties were to find kiln on Craig’s list and install it, buy sink and install clay trap, and of course to enjoy all the products of my wife’s work...

    Greetings from Montreal 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Miroslav


      Thank you guys for kind words. So far I am just mesmerized how unassuming dirty pieces turn into shiny colourful beauties.

      I am home coffee roaster and this process reminds me of transformation of green smelly beans into beautiful roasted coffee.






    3. oldlady


      very nice studio and work done in it!  your wife should be very happy there.   she needs a nice, padded cushion on the stool.  she will sit on it for a long time and being comfortable helps a lot.

      it looks like you found a great kiln for her on craigslist, too.

    4. Denice


      Do you have shelving for her wares?   You can put together plastic shelving and take a piece of plastic and wrap it around and make  a flap in the front.   This can be her drying shelves,  she can control how much air she needs by pulling back the flaps.  My husband used plastic electrical ties to connect it to the plastic grid type shelves.  This unit was in my last studio,  my current studio has a plastic utility cabinet that has shelves that can be moved, but I have to keep wire  racks on each one so the pots can dry evenly.   My son  also roast his coffee beans, he buys green coffee beans off the internet  and then roast them in a old style popcorn air popper.  He makes them in small batches,  he will ask you if want a cup of coffee and then put some pens in the popper.  You will get your coffee eventually.    Denice

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