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  • Location
    Montreal, Canada
  • Interests
    Coffee roasting, espresso machines

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  1. Hello everyone.

    Thank you for creating friendly community. So much knowledge and experience is concentrated here...

    i am husband of amateur potter, and my duties were to find kiln on Craig’s list and install it, buy sink and install clay trap, and of course to enjoy all the products of my wife’s work...

    Greetings from Montreal 



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Denice


      Your more big time into coffee than my son, he is a trained chef and picked up the trick of using a popcorn popper from another chef.  Did you get your settling system built for your sink?  If you have anymore studio questions just ask before you spend a lot of money.   I have had three different studios in the past 45 years,  I am not even counting the first area I had was a chair,  fold down desk top and small kiln.   I started out with hand building and glass melting.  I  had done hand building in high school and eventually got my degree in a ceramics fine arts degree.   Denice

    3. Miroslav


      Thank you Denice.

      i will definitively ask.  I spend a lots of time researching and asking before buying.

      I am actually thinking about digging some local clay around Montreal or Quebec and try to give it a go... Searching for some answers on Pugmills actually brought me here.

      But now we are off for vacation back to beautiful Croatia and Serbia.

      We will be back in few weeks.


    4. Miroslav




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