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About VForce

  • Birthday June 17

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    Roanoke Virginia

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  1. I have finally decided to make the leap. I have a BFA in ceramics so I know my way around the pottery wheel. But life has taken me away from ceramics, but I still have a wheel and want to make a ceramic ring for my future wife. I had planned to fire it in a microwave since my fire pit is still a work in process. My plan is to make a ring out of a stoneware maybe porcelain, something white, plain and simple... Not sure if I'll glaze it maybe with a clear depending on the limitations of firing in a microwave. This is more of a place holder until I pay off my $$$ ring. I'll take any tips or tricks on firing in a microwave, never done it before only used kilns. Ideally need to figure out what clay and glaze to use figure a low fire cone 04. And any technical tips to throwing a ring on the wheel, I plan to try throwing off the hump first. I know I'll probably be making hundreds of these till I get the shrink rate correctly. But I've seen an old professor do this 20 years ago but I've forgotten how he did it. Thanks guys! I'm thinking it will look something like the picture below, luster would be fun too but probably to hard to tackle in my time frame. The due date for this is July 14th 2023 Eeeek. Any help is welcome!
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