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Everything posted by Min

  1. Cinnamon buns for my family, just out the oven, vanilla icing when cooled a bit. Mug of tea for me (in one of my mugs).
  2. @GEP, those look like they'd be a heck of a lot easier to ship than pots. Side business?
  3. I really like how it turned out too, looks awesome! REALLY not trying to be a killjoy but if you are going to be selling these maybe look into Trademark law. I could be wrong but the STP one looks like it's still active.
  4. Can't help but think that when this pandemic is over I'm going to weigh more than I do right now.
  5. Near the bottom of this page are molds for making the threaded collar for soap pumps, come in a couple sizes. Same idea could be used to make your own with a tap and die and some testing for fit.
  6. Cube 1 block (about 14oz) of extra firm tofu then lightly press it with a paper towel or teacloth to remove surface water. Toss it gently in a bowl with 1 tablespoon soy sauce (I use dark but any will work) and 1 tablespoon chili or veg oil. Leave it sit for 30 minutes or so then add 2 tablespoons cornstarch and gently toss so that all cubes are coated. Bake at 400F on parchment paper for approx 20 minutes or until it's crispy. If you have a convection setting on the oven then use that and bake for slightly less time. You can flavour the tofu before cooking with Chinese 5 spice powder, garlic powder or anything that can take the heat of the oven without burning. Once it's done toss it into your stirfry with black bean, garlic ginger, curry, sweet sour or whatever you're making. The go to at Japanese restaurants here is agadashi tofu. It's made with a soft tofu, I've found that type doesn't work so well for crisp baked tofu.
  7. Crispy tofu marinated in dark soy sauce with lots of ginger and chili oil with sweet and sour veggies on basmati rice. Bowl is one of my dinner bowls (that we use more than dinner plates).
  8. @Babs, can you share your flatbread recipe? May we see the plate after you finished your lunch? Curious what the rest of it looks like.
  9. I use this stuff from Spain. I think the peppers are smoked as they are being dried. More flavour than regular paprika. @Callie Beller Diesel, if you toss 1 or 2 ice cubes in the food processor just before it's done it makes the hummus creamier.
  10. Lunch today, 4 days to sprout the seeds in a mason jar on the kitchen counter, (clover, alfalfa, radish & mustard), hummus and hard cooked egg on ww crackers. Corner of the bowl in the background is one of my dinner bowls. Hummus recipe is just by eyeball, chickpeas, lemon juice, olive oil, sesame oil (I’m out of tahini), garlic, salt, smoked paprika and an ice cube in the food processor.
  11. My day to bake bread. Old school long fermentation but not sourdough. I'm trying to make my yeast last as long as possible, all the stores here are sold out. Will have to start some sourdough starter. Bowl is about 15 years old, it's a second. I had left it as bisque for quite a while, outside kiln area, and when I went to glaze it there was a small mud wasp nest inside it. Got rid of the wasp nest and I thought I had it cleaned well enough but I guess not, there was iron in the mud the nest was made from. Little bit of straw coloured glaze inside the bottom of the bowl.
  12. @LeeU, are the bears by you out of hibernation already or did they never go into it?
  13. Mark...last seen in an ocean going clay kayak off the coast of California. Coverage on evening news at 6.
  14. Simple hand building project if anyone is looking for something different to try for a change of pace. My soft slab (olive) boat, it's an easy project, would be good for kids to make too. Turn it into a viking ship or ? I don't have any glazed right now but a couple bisqued ones in the last image. Supplies needed: Soft clay Rolling pin 1 1/4 - 2 1/2” diameter dowel wrapped in newspaper (or long thin rolling pin, diameter isn’t critical) Pony roller or piece of plastic Cornstarch (optional) Supports if you use soft clay 1 - Template is 19” overall length, 4 1/4” wide. Each side measures 15 1/2”. Soft slab, cut out the pattern. Don’t worry about getting the ends exactly as I have them, you can just use one gentle curve from the point to the opposite side. If you want texture on the outside of the boat do it now. 2 - On the long edges use a pony roller and soften the edge. If you don’t have a pony roller just use a piece of thin plastic, hold it taunt and run your finger along the edge. (2a) 2a- Flip the piece over, if you want texture on the inside do it now. Soften the long edges on this side too. 3 - Cover up the ends and lightly dust the clay with cornstarch. Since my clay is very wet I don’t like to use a pounce, I just load a brush with cornstarch and tap the brush over, but not touching, the clay. 4 - Lift the slab and lay it cornstarch side down over the dowel wrapped in newsprint. 5 - Press the clay around the dowel then flatten the bottom with a small rolling pin or pony roller. The dowel I use is a bit narrow so I lift one end up while doing this so I don’t crush the long edges of the slab. 6 - Moisten the ends with just a few drops of water if you are using soft clay. If you use firmer clay then use a tiny bit of slip. Bring the long edges together at the ends of the slab and pinch the lower edges together. I keep a slight overlap so I can fold the overlap over and work it in with a rib so the boat doesn’t leak. 7 - Roll the top pointed ends into spirals, covering the join. One ends rolls to the left, the other to the right. Transfer the boat to a drying board. 8 - Straighten out the rim, flute the edges if you like. I use bendable hair rollers to support the sides while drying. Clay coils would work too. I’ve found with my clay I need to dry these slowly or they lift up in the centre. You could also put a small weight in the centre to help prevent it lifting. Would love to see some other projects here! (Sorry but I can't get the numbers to show up on the images, read left to right 1-8)
  15. Work in progress, mugs for a soda firing that is postponed. Flashing slip sprayed on then bisqued then underglazed, complete with pencil lines and wax resist over the underglaze brushwork so kind of messy looking. Getting boxed up today and put away until who knows when to be fired.
  16. Thought I'ld start a thread for people to post links to some of their favourite or recommended online free videos. So many of us stuck at home now I thought it would be a good resource to help pass the time. I'll start it off with an exhibition of wood fired pots from Britain's Svend Bayer. Just came out today, it will be his last exhibition. It includes a section of Svend Bayer working, firing and talking about his work. Beautiful pots.
  17. Alice, this from wikiHow seems to describe how to use kindle fire pretty well. Anybody with kids at home Amazon audible has all their kids books for free streaming.
  18. When I said "you see throngs of people wearing masks" I wasn't referring to you specifically but to what is being broadcast on tv news shows about people wearing masks. Yup, agreed. Edit: I think we are all on the same page, it's just a difference in semantics. N95respirator or N95surgical mask versus the non rated surgical or procedure mask.
  19. I think part of the problem is you see throngs of people wearing surgical masks so some people assume these are okay for use as a respirator. Bottom line is to have the Niosh labelling on the box or respirator of N95. https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/prevention/ppe/surgical_mask.html
  20. For healthcare professionals from the CDC on Personal Protective Equipment in regards to Covid19: What is an N95 filtering facepiece respirator (FFR)? An N95 FFR is a type of respirator which removes particles from the air that are breathed through it. These respirators filter out at least 95% of very small (0.3 micron) particles. N95 FFRs are capable of filtering out all types of particles, including bacteria and viruses.
  21. Much of the commercial kiln wash is made up of what is cheapest, ie silica and kaolin and little of what makes a good kiln wash expensive which would be the alumina hydrate. If you do decide to start using kiln wash then try making your own wash. 50% alumina hydrate, 25% calcined kaolin and 25% kaolin.
  22. @terribleterra5@yahoo.com, I'ld repost your free kilns in the Community Marketplace on this forum here, it's a better suited section for them than this part.
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