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Everything posted by LeeU

  1. Got an invite to have a booth at a "handmade only" craft fair--may do it, since it is small and local.

    1. JohnnyK


      Way to go, Lee...I am guessing that the invite is recognition of your skills and quality of your products!

    2. LeeU


      Nah--more likely a need for more paying customers to occupy spaces . :rolleyes:

  2. Yay---my slab roller handle was not functioning and I was stymied on how to fix it. It was getting me down, really! A friend came by and within 3 minutes had it working again.  Something about using the Allen wrench in the right place! :lol:

    1. oldlady


      that would definitely help!

  3. Indeed!! Even at the most modest venture, those prices are nuts! Not to get too philosphical, but such under-valuation may call into question the integrity of clay art everywhere! Raise 'em up, Liam, raise 'em up!
  4. What is your most unapologetic, shamelessly proud, pat-yourself-on-the-back accomplishment of any type in your ceramics life (a terrific piece, a great sale, a sharp business strategy, a fine friend made, a good deed done, a land traveled, a discovery---etc. etc.)?
  5. Congrats on the new studio build--looks so exciting..and BIG!!!  Looks like Dog approves, as well. 

    1. hitchmss


      Oh mosa has found herself numerous spots which she calls her own. Really if I could just take all my noisy, dusty work outside that would be much better for her! 

      The studio is good sized! 3456 total square feet including a covered parking space for big sprinter van, dedicated packing/receiving/finished goods room, kitchen, bath, woodshop, kiln room, glazing room, spray booth room, main working area, and an office. 

    2. DirtRoads


      Dream building! Beautiful views.  And that dog looks to be one of life's greatest treasures.

  6. What's on my workbench? My sister!! She drove up from Virginia. She has been taking some pottery classes in Roanoke. So she loaded her car with greenware (!!) and we bisqued them over the last few days. Now she is glazing her work for the glaze fire. The 05 fire was very lightly loaded with just her items but I have pieces to add for the cone 5 fire, so the kiln will be more balanced and full. She doesn't know I took these pics--I was sneaking around outside the studio (she doesn't like being photographed--opps, too bad!) It has been great fun doing this somewhat "together".
  7. A rat took up residence in my studio (a converted bedroom in my old-ish mobil home) while I was out of town for a couple of weeks. He ate--completely destroyed--the good welder's gloves with the extended cuffs for stoking the big anagama kiln. He ate my leather studeo shoes. He ate all things cardboard. He ate my foam core and one dry wall shelf board. He ate a plasaic texture roller. He ate through the old semi-crumbling cement foundation (!) to get in and out. He did not eat any food. I did not have a cat. I highly recommend that you add a second cat.
  8. Happy Joyous and Free, and celebrating Independence Day! I put some pics in the LeeU Anagama Fire album in the gallery.


  9. LeeU

    LeeU anagama fire

    John Baymore and students built the Fushigigama kiln at the NHIA Sharon Art Center, New Hampshire.
  10. Well golly, Pres. You didn't leave much room for me (can't speak for anyone else) to add much! Your list pretty much covers it all...and much more than I have in my studio (no grinding base or GG-- if it won't Dremel off or respond to the various diamond-based assists and other manual processes, then it's just not happening). Then again, I'm not cranking out jars with lids, and my inherently "rough" style lends itself to very minimal finishing needing to be done. Packing I've got down to a science and am pretty good at it, but I don't do anything special that anybody else doesn't do, as far as standard practices go. If I use newspaper, I do make an effort to use sheets of interest from our local publications, like The Weirs Times, serving the Winnipesaukee lakes region of NH. Here's a sample of a pic I would use as a wrap. And I often include a small moose hanging ornament along with my biz card. My smalls bags are white, blue, or brown Kraft and I have a sticker with my logo to seal them shut.
  11. Following along---had an enjoyable time yesterday refreshing my memory and looking at his work. You (Cactus Pots) might like my Pinterestboard Clay People--has a few pics of him, and some of his work is in my Clay Continued and Clay More boards. https://www.pinterest.com/LeeUstinich/clay-people/
  12. My basics list is the same as everyone else's basics list, pretty much. In addition, my essentials include a variety of wood sticks (chopsticks, skewers, round/square/triangular rods, pieces of thin decorative molding etc.); also scalpels, dental tools, and, mostly, my fingers.
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