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Status Updates posted by ChenowethArts

  1. Bisque kiln opening day...I'll be getting some help with the 'bending-over to unload' part..

  2. Looks like an ice-pack-on-sore-back kind of day...no playing in the mud for me :(

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      take a rest. and take care of your body.


    2. ChenowethArts


      Thanks Marcia. Switching from ice to heat is doing the trick...this was a happy sort of muscle pull, not from clay, but an active 2yr-old granddaughter. Thanks for the note!

    3. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Awwww, those lovely kids.... Get well soon.

  3. Well, I see that the elves didn't show up last night to clean up the studio...bummer!

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Did you put some bread and a glass of water (or bubbly) on the table for them? That's essential!

    2. ChenowethArts


      I will remember that next time...the leftover, stale slice of pizza evidently didn't get the job done *grin*

  4. I'm rather pleased with the bisque of my first 'tile' experiment...I could see having some real fun with this!

  5. No excuses. Studio is warm(er) and project list awaits. Time for a super, bowl throw?

    1. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      ooh good one! I think I should have a "super bowl" tomorrow. :)


    2. ChenowethArts


      How could we possibly 'pass' on an activity like this, especially today?! :)

    3. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      haha!! Very true!


  6. Need to work on my timing...fridgid temps leave the area and NOW I crank up the bique kiln *headspin*

  7. I'm not saying that its cold, but I may find myself chipping a German Shepherd off of a fire hydrant before the day is over :)

    1. Denice


      Same here but it's suppose to warm up tomorrow. Denice

    2. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      haha- I fear for my dog each time I let her out


  8. At the moment, a wheel between my knees has been replaced with a fireplace at my feet. Brrrr!

  9. Switching to Lizella Clay for another coil/throwing experiment...a little like 'chasing rabbits' :)

  10. Ten pounds of clay makes a rather large mixing bowl...the process may be justification for questioning my sanity :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      you must be mixing one hell of a batch of something… When I "over do it" with multiplying a bath too many times, I end up busting out the canning barrel. A 10lb bowl would come in handy here!

    3. Rebekah Krieger
    4. ChenowethArts


      rebbylicious, I am fortunate to have access to a large Soldner mixer and try to mix 150-200 pounds at a time. When removed in 10pound lumps, wedged, and bagged, that takes up most of a 50gal Rubbermaid trash container. For me, throwing 10 pounds is stretching my skill (and comfort) level...but I am getting there. Thanks for the notes, all!

  11. I've procrastinated making my own decals long enough...it is time to take the leap!

  12. There really should be a TV exercise show that features 'wedging clay'...I'm there now!

  13. Its 'bottom of the slop bucket' time...WooHoo!

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