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How to reduce thermocouple spalling

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Is there a way to reduce thermocouple spalling?

Last firing I had little black bits scattered all the way to the center of the kiln (28" kiln) on the side where the thermcouples are. Fortunately, the kiln was only lightly loaded and the bits didn't get stuck in any glaze. However, I'm getting ready for another glaze firing and don't want any glazed work ruined.

The thermcouples are the kind that are completely encased in tubes (L&L kiln). I shopvac out the tubes with a brush after each firing, so there weren't any old spalled flakes left in the tubes. I'm perplexed because my old kiln (Skutt) had exposed thermocouples, and I only saw a few bits every now and then.  I'm getting ready for another glaze firing and don't want anything to get ruined.


- Amy

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2 hours ago, Frogesan said:

The tubes are open-ended. The thermocouples are 3/8" inside the tubes -- should I move them back further?



I've never heard os thermocouples spitting that far, especially when they're in tubes. Typically they just flake downward. Are you sure it wasn't a glaze spitting? You could try moving them back a little bit. At some point they'll start reading a little cool, though, so watch for that.

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I also have a new l&l kiln with the thermocouples in open-ended tubes and am experiencing the same thing.  A lot of spalling and the black specs shooting as far as the middle of the kiln shelf like you describe. So far nothing has stuck to a glaze thankfully... I was thinking maybe it was especially bad just because they were brand new and I was just hoping it would get better after a few more firings...

Pretty sure I am just going to upgrade to S-Type thermocouples once these guys bite the dust. Probably should have just started that way in retrospect.

Edited by HenryBurlingame
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I'm vacuuming the bits out from the previous each time - there's some flakes and tiny bits, very like what falls off the portable I was using. It's nice that the open tube catches most of it.

The little bits I'm seeing elsewhere, my guess is they fly out well into the cooling cycle, for they aren't sticking - I haven't yet found a stuck speck that looks like a TC spall...

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