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I want to study by distance learning, do you know Tech?

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Hello everyone, I'm writing in this section because I've been looking for a training section in the forum and I haven't found one.

Guys lately I have wanted to continue studying to expand my knowledge and improve my skills in Business, Marketing and Accounting. to put my shop in the digital age. I saw some complementary courses on the subject in a university called TECH and I was interested especially because they are online and do not have fixed schedules of study, which suits my needs.

For this reason it would be very helpful if anyone has experience with this university or can tell me if it is worth the study material? I appreciate it.

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I just did a quick google search, and came up with a 2yo Reddit thread that was warning people against this University. One of the Mods there noted that a lot of the positive comments about it came in months after the initial query (same question as yours), and appeared to be only from commenters who had made accounts to reply to that one post. Other posters noted the same pattern on Quora and other similar sites. So I’d be cautious about that particular source, but yes, getting some marketing and business courses is definitely a good idea.

Accounting doesn’t have to be terribly complicated or expensive. I’d pay an accountant to set you up on how they want you to keep books, and let them do the rest. Mine gave me a spreadsheet to fill out quarterly, and she does my filing. 

Some simple marketing courses through university or college extensions should be sufficient for that part. You don’t need a degree in this. You need to be able to make connections with other potters to be able to discuss what works and what doesn’t. We tend to do a lot of non-traditional/non-standard things in our business.

As far as business courses go, I think you should put together a business plan for your own benefit, but you don’t need one that you could take to a bank for a loan. At least not if you’re a one person operation. Again, that could be an extension course, or even just hit the library for some books. People aren’t vetting your business degree before they buy pots from you.


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