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4 bottom rows of elements not glowing in my Duncan EA-820 Teacher Plus Energy Saver

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I used a Cone 06 Bar in my kiln sitter and after 12 hours the bar did not slump and the kiln sitter did not turn off.  Suspecting something was wrong, I fired the kiln again  the next day empty and took a peek at the elements after about 20 minutes - the kiln was heating up but none of the elements were glowing.  There is a clicking sound when I turn on the kiln - almost like something is turning off and on. After 1.5 hours the clicking sound stopped and when I peeked inside the top 4 elements were glowing red and there was no color in the bottom 4 elements. After 2.5 hours the top 4 are glowing and the bottom elements are dark.  Do I need to replace the bottom 4 elements?  Is the clicking sound an indication that something else is wrong?   Any advice would be appreciated! 

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2 minutes ago, Yvonne51 said:

After 2.5 hours the top 4 are glowing and the bottom elements are dark.

The 4 elements in each section are wired in parallel, so if one goes out they all do. Assuming that's the problem, first unplug the kiln, open the control box, and check for any fried out wiring connections, especially where the elements are wired together, and where the feeder wires for that section connect to the elements and the other end where they connect to the control box. If you don't see any obvious issues there, then you can check the elements for continuity if you have a multi-meter, or you'll need to inspect the elements for a break. It could just be a little spot that fried out somewhere on an element. A meter would make the whole process faster, as you can quickly check if there's a break somewhere in an element by putting the probes at the ends of the series and seeing if there's a connection. And if you can't find the break then you can unhook all the elements and use the meter to determine which one has failed. But you can try all the visual inspections first and if you don't find anything then get a cheap digital meter at the hardware store.

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