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turning a stubborn kiln sitter set screw, danbury, NH

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It is usual to adjust  on the rod which passes from outside to inside of kiln and sits on top of the cone, not the plate.

There is a thingie, guage,  you can get which will hold that pin and cone support in correct position for adusting to.

If plate is dropping too soon, it may be that that rod is worn on the kiln side.

Adjustment by moving the "peg " along the rod, towards kiln body, to allow the plate to sit more vertically and thus drop later has to be done with caution as if too vertical it may not drop and so kiln stays on...

Have you got a cut off timer seperate from the kilnsitter?

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thanks for your reply!

my kiln sitter doesn't have a timer. it's model k, i believe. i am using the gauge to help with the adjustment. i will definitely look into what you're describing!

i babysit my sitter, especially when it's close to time and check my cones. definitely don't want to overfire!

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Yes the timer has to be seperate from sitter . Cuts the electricity to kiln after a set number of hours. I used to set mine 1/2 hr aftr my estimated firing time ended, in case I slept etc.

Nursing a sitter, the only way. 

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11 hours ago, Babs said:

It is usual to adjust  on the rod which passes from outside to inside of kiln and sits on top of the cone, not the plate.

The claw is set at 1/16" from the plate when the plate is all the way up. The plate is then adjusted to the correct position using the firing gauge for calibration. If the kiln is firing too hot, the plate is lowered. If the kiln is firing too cool, the plate is raised.

@suz davis KILN SITTER MANUAL Like Babs said, check the condition of the rod. If it is worn and getting pointy on the inside, or is bent, then it should be replaced.

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thank you!!

i inspected the rod and it looks good!

i was finally able to persuade the set screw. the plate was off, close to 1/16", which is probably why it's been underfiring! 

i am testing it out now and will check it regularly as it gets close to time. 

thank you both so much for your help!!

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7 hours ago, neilestrick said:

The claw is set at 1/16" from the plate when the plate is all the way up. The plate is then adjusted to the correct position using the firing gauge for calibration. If the kiln is firing too hot, the plate is lowered. If the kiln is firing too cool, the plate is raised.

@suz davis 

Oh right! thanks Neil, I never did, or had to??? Touch the plate, I mean.

Too late for me but there you go, @suz davis

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