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firing kiln for a fee

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I know this topic has been discussed, however I came across information on an art center's web site which list fees for firing.  This might serve as a guide.

     Loaded and Fired by Staff                                                                            Loaded and Fired by the Artist     
                                                Low Fire      Mid-Range                                               Low Fire                 Mid Range
Large Oval Kiln                $80                    $100                                                            $40                       $60
Medium Kiln                      $60                    $80                                                               $30                       $40
Small Kiln                              $40                   $60                                                               $20                      $30
Test Kiln                                $15                    $20                                                               $10                      $15

For kilns loaded and fired by staff the turnaround time is usually within two weeks.

For kilns loaded and fired by the artist themselves they must first pass a skills check. If you have fired many times before, this is just a brief conversation between you and our Ceramics Center Manager. If you have only fired a few times or have never fired an electric kiln, our Ceramics Studio Manager will go through the firing process with you beforehand - this cost $35 for the 1 hour lesson. Kilns can only be loaded and unloaded during open studio hours or LUX business hours.

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Thanks for posting.

I would never let someone load and fire my kiln unless I personally knew them. Certainly not some artist who just walked in, even if they passed a skills test. I hope the studio makes them sign something saying they'll pay for any damage, as well as lost revenue when the kiln is out of commission.

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When I was renting kiln space at the city run centre I was using, that’s pretty close to the policies and price point they had at the time. Honestly, it looks a little more affordable than what I was paying. And yeah, if you wrecked anything, you had to pay damages. But they were pretty picky about vetting you in the first place. You had to know the exact clay you were using, provide glaze recipes for approval, etc. The one tech that worked there initially really believed in showing people all the skills, and so he’d make sure you knew how to do things properly. He viewed it as part of his teaching mandate. 

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