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Looking for Kiln building plans

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A salt kiln is simply a regular downdraft with extra ports for introducing the salt. You'll want to make the interior of the kiln all hard brick, and as much as the exterior as possible from soft brick. It's the best combination of durability and insulation.

I personally prefer power burners for salt and soda kilns since they help move around the fumes, but you can do it with venturi burners. You'll need to figure out the BTU output of the burners depending on the total interior volume of the kiln, not just the stacking space.

The basic design of a downdraft isn't all that difficult. You start with whatever size shelves you plan to use and go from there. You need 2-3" of clearance around the shelves, then the bag walls, then the burner ports. It's just a big rectangle with a door and a chimney. You leave opening for the burner ports, peep holes, and salting ports. The door can be as simple as something you brick up each time you use it, to something more complicated like a hinged door that swings open. HERE is a basic plan that's pretty standard. Also check out The Kiln Book by Fred Olsen.

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