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Posts posted by Seesee

  1. Hi all, 

    I usually spray glazes on my peices so I have to water them down a little, I am trying out new recipes from the glaze book some that contain iron spangles and I’ve noticed that it all collects at the bottom of my containers and isn’t suspended in the water/ glaze mixture. I’m wondering if I should remove a majority of the water and I could suspend everything with either deflocculant or Epsom salts. Wanted to know if anybody has encountered this before, also I have different sizes nozzles from 0.6 - 1.2 I’m sure so that particles should pass through.


  2. Initially I wanted to make 3 peices so if this happened I’d have options over the span of a month I only completed this peiece to a level that I was happy with. (the others warped, cracked came apart) So was distraught when I broke it and then these cracks appeared. I fear I’ve learnt nothing from the process but to never build intricate geometric forms by slab building. I have 3 weeks left and will just try my best to get another one done this time using the thicker slabs and another clay with less grog. I do like your idea about embracing the stress lines although I hope that the glaze I use will fuse everything together. Overall just disappointing that’s it’s not structurally a strong peice which also has an impact on aesthetic, also that I feel I’ve learnt next to nothing. Thank you all for your help! 

  3. Hello all,

    I have been working on this slab bout peice for quite along time a lot has gone wrong but I’m finally happy with it. I don’t usually slab build which I think is the problem anyhow cracks have developed along the seams small hairline cracks, I’m afraid of firing and the finding out the cracks get even bigger or that the peice suddenly falls apart as my deadline is creeping up. While handling the peice in a leather hard state a wall shattered, instead of replacing the whole slab I patched the peices broken off back in with coils and plenty of slip. No matter how much it tried to repair it in a leather hard state the cracks reappeared so I’ve let it completely dry out etching into the crack using malt vinegar and a clay slip to fill it in. Letting it dry naturally and still nothing. The clay I'm using is meant for handbulding and has quite a lot of grog in. I’ve tried being patient but unsure on what to try next.



  4. Hi Morgan 

    No I never got into the habit of wiping my pieces down before glazing as I’m usually in such a rush to get things in the kiln. This was some time ago when I used to work in a studio and the piece didn’t reach full temp so I refired it and this is what happened. I reckon I contaminated it with moving it from A to B but will take more care in the future. I thought it was something to do with firing it twice! 

  5. Hi again!

    just got a new kiln and refired a peice that didn’t quite reach temperature sometime a couple years ago. I spray using a manual pump gun and have never encountered this problem before, although I have got very thin edges which come out white. Not intentional but I thought looked nice. This on the other hand is really not it. Any suggestions on what I can do to fix this and why it’s happened?





  6. I’m having trouble after draining the slip from my moulds the wall where the slip trails and exits gets thicker meaning that by time they dry the wall slumps in. I’m wondering does anybody have any advice on how to avoid this? I can’t reach a tool inside to readjust the wall as the neck won’t allow it, I’ve tried blowing air into it also and leaving it in the mould for longer than needed but eventually all pieces end up the same. I was wondering do I need to make my slip even thinner by adding more deflocculant? Any advice would be much appreciated! 

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