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Dunkirk Ann

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    Northeastern United States

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  1. After bisquing, the hare is 16 inches high to the tips of his ears. His hind foot is about 5 inches long. So, I got the foot to adhere by spreading a very thin layer of 850 paper clay to the 850 non-paper clay leg where the foot attaches. Indeed, I was concerned about the different shrinkage rates. In the bisque, the foot, which had been firmly attached, did develop some cracks where it was attached, but did not break apart entirely. The hare was loaded into a soda kin today. He's in a location that will get very hot, and get hit hard by soda. I'm hoping there will be some fusing and /or melting that will take place. I'm also expecting to have to do some filling in with epoxy mixed with a stain that matches the clay body. So, if I had it to do over, I'd probably build a separate new foot out of the original clay body and fire the foot along with, but separate from, the hare, as Rae Reich suggested. Thanks! I'll update after we open the kiln next week.
  2. Hi all, I just bisque fired a hare sculpture and her back foot cracked and broke off into many pieces too tiny to repair with Bisque Fix. I made up some paper clay using the same clay I made her with and would like to form a new foot, attaching the foot to the bisqued body, and then bisque firing the piece again. Ultimately, it will go into a wood fired soda kiln. I've used paper clay before but mostly for repairing cracks, never making an entire appendage. Will this work? Thanks!
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