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Linnea Zetter

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Status Updates posted by Linnea Zetter

  1. I am interested in learning more about firing tile that are rolled out on a slab roller, with a raised  texture applied, and ready to be bisque fired. 

    What is the best way to fire my greenware tile without warping or cracking? Then what is the best way to glaze fire the tiles.  The clay is cone 6 and smooth. Standard #182

    1. oldlady


      linnea, where are you in maryland?   there are tile makers in lots of places around DC.   one who lives in loudoun county and has been making tiles for years.   she has done the libraries in several places in loudoun with storytelling tiles fitted into the walls in the children's areas.  

      her name is Joan Gardiner, look her up and you will see wonderful work.   she is very generous with her advice to potters.

    2. Min


      Hi Linnea and welcome to the forum. This is the Status Updates section, it's more for just general comments about what people have going on. For specific questions or comments posting this question in the Studio Operations and Making Work section will likely get you more responses, also it's easier to search and find your question in the future. Just click the orange tab that says "Start New Topic" and follow the prompts.

    3. Jen WC

      Jen WC

      Hope to see your post there as I am interested in responses too! 


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