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  1. Yeah i think it was the clear glaze as well. @Hulk the rest of the rim is okay and it happened on maybe 3/4 out of 10 cups. I’m gonna try to sand it then reglaze it again and just do two layers of clear. I’ve seen must ppl say they only do 2 layers of clear instead of 3.
  2. Is there anyway I can smooth this rim? It happened to a few of these mugs. Will sanding take the glaze off? It has like a chippy/bumpy texture. I’m thinking maybe I applied the clear glaze too thick on the rim? I used 3 coats of Amaco velvet underglaze and 3 coats of Amaco HF 9 clear zinc free glaze. Fired to cone 6. Thanks!!!
  3. Thanks so much guys!!!!! This has been extremely helpful and a learning experience for me! I will update after the firing!
  4. @Callie Beller Diesel oh wow! I would have been so devastated:( did you try a drop soak to fix it?
  5. @@Hulk@Callie Beller Diesel this is my first time doing drop and soak. Is this an accurate program to use ? https://digitalfire.com/schedule/plc6ds
  6. @Hulk The top of the handle has those little bumps. I'm not doing any holds or controlled cool. I fired this batch at cone 5 (typically I do cone 6) , at medium speed in a small studio kiln. Dont have exact dimensions but take about 8 hrs to reach temp then around 10 hrs to cool. I leave all the peep plugs plugged in, in both bisque and glaze firing. I do bisque fire to cone 04. Don't have a fan set up. When glaze firing, when it gets arond 500F I take out the peep plugs. I'm not expert, so if I'm wrong, please correct me! Also just want to add as an reminder, the other items in this firing, with the same clay but different glaze, turned out fine.
  7. @MinYes! It does look like brush stroke. I was confused because I read the little bumps or blistering is when its overfired, but the glaze looks underfired? And yes it's typically the Bmix with speckles. But it usually looks fine at cone 6, but this time I did cone 5 and it looks underfired and bumpy. Would you suggest refiring at cone 6?
  8. Is this bloating or the glaze? I used b mix with speckles. Typically when I fire to cone 6 I have so bloating but not really bad. I recently learned it’s better to fire cone 5 with this clay so I did this time and I have these tiny bumps but only with this glaze. And the glaze looks kinda underfired? Other pieces with different glazes, same body, came out fine. Can I refire at cone 6? Or what can I do to selvage these pieces? I added pictures - 3 from the same firing. And one I did previously where I fired at cone 6 where the glaze is more mature and smoother.
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