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Michael Neill

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Everything posted by Michael Neill

  1. Electric pottery wheels are basically pretty much all the same! It’s just how each company puts it’s own little twist how they get from point A to Z. Electric motors that pottery companies install in there wheels are a common motor that are made for many uses for all kinds things. By using a common motor like this they keep the price of there wheel down to the public! It’s in how they control the motor is where they very the most, but in the end they all are doing the same thing! U can pretty much replace company A  control system with company B control system as long as u match up the correct size controller to the size of the electric motor on your wheel! 

    1. Pres


      Michael, you may get much more response to your statement by posting in in  the Equipment use and repair section. Interesting thought, and I sure there are some backyard mechanics that have already bastardized some wheels to do what you have described.



  2. I have a old HP, CI wheel, pedal & speed control when bad a few years back. I call speedball direct they connected me to an engineer that works for them that worked for CI. Engineer told me to buy the controller & pedal for the speedball Big Boss wheel follow the directions on how to install it! I did & my HP Creative Industries wheel has worked great ever since.
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