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Posts posted by dazzlepottery

  1. In my experience it depends on what you're trying to reclaim. It's tricky to reclaim a whole bag of clay that has dried too much to use. There is a whole process of adding a little water to the bag, poking holes in the block of clay, then submerging the sealed bag in a bucket of water. Mine always comes out too wet on the edges and still firm in the center and is tricky to homogenize. 

    However with trimming scraps and failed pieces, I just add them to a bucket in any form (dry, leather hard, intact, crumbled) and add CLEAN water (not slip) until they are all submerged. A couple days later I use a sponge to remove the excess water (why dry a bunch of extra water when processing) and toss the slop onto plaster. The plaster really helps to keep the clay at an even moisture level, more so than starting from a perfectly smooth slip. 

  2. I have been having a strange issue with my Cone 6 Black Stoneware Clay from Standard (266). It gets these big cracking bubbles upon glaze firing. I bought this clay to marble with Porcelain (Standard 365) because it had a similar shrink rate. The marbled pieces came out SUPER bubbly, really horrible. I thought it was just poor clay preparation on my part because of the mixing of the two. However it has been happening with pots I make solely out of the Black Stoneware. I prepare this clay the same way I do all my other clay bodies and never really have this issue otherwise. Has anyone else had this problem with this clay? Any advice?



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