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Shelly M

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Status Updates posted by Shelly M

  1. I am a newbie and just bought my first kiln. I am getting ready to make test tiles from the various clays I'll be using.. Does anyone have a favorite test tile design they like that can be hung on a pegboard after the finished product is achieved? Photo appreciated and thanks for your feedback!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pres


      post a question in the top right search box for the whole formum and you should see at least one recent test tile strand.

    3. Marko


      Welcome Shelly. Hope you stay and have fun with all the great people here. Potter's Council is the best place to learn about pottery making. So make some post on the forums and you will get a ton of help. HVD

    4. Marko


      Welcome Shelly and Happy Valentines Day.

  2. I had a small test tile melt glaze onto the shelf. I was able to chisel most of it off but there is still a small amount of glaze adhered to the shelf. Can I kiln wash over that 1-inch spot or does every bit of glaze have to be removed?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Biglou13


      Grind as much off as you can like^^^ she said. Grinder is cheap @ harbor freight.

    3. Marko


      I seen a guy put a corn on the cob on a drill and grind the kernels off with his teeth... don't do this. Do what Marcia said

    4. Shelly M

      Shelly M

      thank you all for your replies. guess i'll be grinding away!


  3. Shelly M I have two earthenware pieces already glazed and fired to ^05 that turned out poorly. I want to reglaze and refire them (^05) but don't have any other low fire pieces to put in the kiln. Can I put these two pieces in with my BISQUE fire load of cone 5-6 pieces and fire them to ^05 along with my bisque? Or will the speed (slow) of the bisque fire and the organic matter that burns out of the clay affect the low fire glaze?

    1. bciskepottery


      You should be okay firing them.

    2. Pres


      I have done it many times when running mixed levels of cone 06 and cone 5 in HS during the first few years. No problem-put the cone 05 glaze on top shelves.

    3. Shelly M

      Shelly M

      Thank you both!



  4. I am looking for a white slip recipe to use on a red earthenware clay body. Any suggestions?

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Hi Shelly, would you please post your question in the "Clay and Glaze Chemistry" part?! I am sure you will get answers more quickly there. ;-)

    2. Shelly M

      Shelly M

      thank you. still getting the hang of how to use the forums.

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