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Image Comments posted by rakukuku

  1. Awesome stuff little rodent. i love the terra cotta look too.   I am always trying to find a low fire glaze to use in raku that has that color.  but so far the ones i have tried are just ugly brown.    yep, museum quality.  rakuku

  2. Thank you Guinea.  I love making this stuff.  This is part of my show for june at our coop gallery.   I am especially proud that this made it through the cone 10 firing with NO CRACKS. Lots of secret holes poked up into the slugs from underneath.   Laguna b mix with grog.     rakuku

  3. yeah, this chemical was not sprayed but rather a packet of the granular stannous chloride placed near the pieces, allowed to ignite and then covered with a metal canning pot.  we wore respirators and guarded the area to keep others away. there is only a few minutes of whitish smoke which dissipates quickly but i am told it has a hideous smell and is toxic.  managed to do it without experiencing it.   we are at a group studio so i do this rarely and only at odd hours with helpers.   rakuku

  4. these are fired first with a commercial low fire and then raku fired and fumed with stannous chloride. The fumes released are seriously nasty. I learned this at a workshop and its not something to try without an experienced person to teach you. The method is described in the Alternative Firings book.   rakuku

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