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    Sussex, United Kingdom

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  1. RESOLVED! Paragon sent me the OEM config instructions which allowed me to reset the setting to it's default and now the SFTY is set to 1316C/2400F. Cone 6 awaits!
  2. I've asked Paragon this, waiting for a response now. I'm hoping I don't need to replace the controller...
  3. I had the kiln serviced and the elements were checked as ok. I don't remember the exact resistance. It's got a dedicated power supply from the fuse box.
  4. I've had a look and the LIM is set to 1127, same as the SFTY setting. When I try to adjust it upwards it can't be increased past that. It's upper limit is set by the SFTY setting.
  5. I've had an initial response back from Paragon saying that it could be the watts had to change for my area/electrical supply. I'm in the UK and the kiln is 11000 Watts 230 Volts, but it says on the same label the max temp is 1288.
  6. I have a used Paragon TNF273 with a Sentry 3.0 controller. The electrical panel on the kiln, and the instruction book, state the max temp for the kiln is 1288C, but when I look at the settings the SFTY (max temp the kiln is allowed to go to), is set at 1127C. I'd at least like to be able to get to Cone 6, what's going on? The manual says the SFTY can only be changed at the factory, so how is it so low?
  7. I was thinking something like this on the wall opposite the window: https://ledgrowshop.co.uk/products/airlift-s16-shutter-exhaust-ventilation-fan-16-speed-controller 2560CFM Either that or a Ventmaster on the kiln itself: https://www.cromartiehobbycraft.co.uk/Catalogue/Ceramic-Kilns-Electric-Kilns-Pottery-Kilns/Kiln-Venting/Orton-Kiln-VentMaster-240-Volt-CH2030# I won't be in the room when the kiln is firing, and the door through to the studio room is pretty well sealed, so I'm not worried about gas leakage through to the occupied area.
  8. That's really useful. The floor for the kiln room is just concrete (I saved on putting the wooden floor in there), so that shouldn't be an issue, and I'm definitely going to add the cement board to the walls. I think a thru-wall fan might be the way to go.
  9. I've picked up an 8 year old Paragon TNF273 that I'm intending to use in a wooden insulated garden studio. The studio has 2 rooms, one that will be the workshop, and a second room with a door that I'm intending to use for the kiln. The kiln room is 2.8m x 1.4m internally and has a single window directly above the kiln. I'm wondering about ventilation and heat. The kiln has no ventilation installed and I'd like to keep the door to the rest of the workshop shut if possible so I can work while the kiln is on. It's a giant 200 litre thing and might be a bit mad for my first kiln, but it was a bargain so I grabbed it. I'd love some advice on how best to ventilate and manage the heat in a relatively small room with only one window. I'm willing to cut holes in the wall etc if needed.
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