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Kiln Dismantle ?


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The thing about those shelves-is this they look fine as the price is right but for me the downsides are mostly that they have be surpassed in better products

When I started in the early 70 making kilns I used silicon carbide shelves as they where top dog back then-5/8th and 3/4 inchers.

Then as I made more pots and fired hotter they warped and cracked so I bought thicker ones but they still tend to warp over time.

When I started to build kilns I made the decision to stay within the same size shelve so all kilns would use the same size and that size is 12x24

I like everything about this size-I tend not to like the other sizes for many reasons and it looks like you only have a few stacks of these. You decide what shelve to build around as a 1st step in kiln planning.I had at one time huge stackes of 11x 18s but traded them away as I never used them.

Now as the story continues they came out in the 80's with the english dry pressed high alumina shelves-I switched over to these ( about 50+) they stayed flater much longer and did not crack only they are even heavier. 33#s for one 1 inch 12x 24. I bought these imports buy the case at 20 each. Shipped in thru Tacoma Wa.

They where great until I replaced they all with advancers  in the 90's and saved about 1 1/2 to 2  feet of stacking space and my back as they are only 9#s each for you guessed it 12x24's.This space saving alone payed for them within a year at 4o fires a year back then.


So I have a huge stack of silicon carbides collecting dust as well as a larger stack of English dry alumina-which I use in my salt kiln as they exceed in that enviroment.

So looking at those sheves for me is looking back in time sort of like the Alfred burners-I have so much moved on to better things.

As a beginer I think you should fire them until they turn into bananas-meaning that will be the curve they get at cone 10 sooner or later.

What thickness are they -hopefully 3/4 or thicker????


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