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Doll Test Kiln

Brenda -Newbie

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Hello.  I'm a total newbie at working a kiln.  Yesterday was the bisque process that turned out fine, I fired it at medium and within 4 hours it was complete.  Mind you I have a small kiln and fired 3 pieces.

Today, I was doing the glaze firing and followed instructions from the person I purchased the kiln from.  Fire first two hours at low, then next 2 hours at medium, the final 2 hours at high.  I do have a kiln sitter and that bent at the 90* angle, however, no witness cones and I'm beginning to believe I will need these if I continue with a kiln sitter operation.  I have a couple of questions hoping someone can help me.

There is a knob on the side of the sitter and it is at Off, then Low, then 1-7 then High.  Although there is no arrow showing where it should be, there is just a black marking, so I'm hoping thats where I align it.  My other question is, using this dial/knob, how do you know what the temp inside the kiln is?  

Lastly, my wares inside the kiln look like they are in the middle stage, if my kiln sitter keeps going off, am I firing too high, too low or ???  So confused and just want to learn.  There wasn't anything in the instruction manual referring the knob or the equaling of temp based on the knob placement.  How many times can you go through a cycle and for how long?

Any help and direction would be greatly appreciated.  I don't have pics now because I am still waiting for it to complete a cycle 

Thanks - Brenda

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you are probably looking at a timer.  those are hours showing on the dial.  nothing to do with temperature.   it is a fail-safe for the very unlikely event that your kiln sitter, equipped with the proper cone resting on the round bars and the rod resting the cone itself, fails to turn off when the cone bends from the heat work.   the timer is set with a number of hours that will turn off the kiln.  if you have the timer set at a low number it will turn off the kiln without allowing the cone to bend.

your sitter needs a cone in it to work.  if you do not have cones, how are you doing anything?  

pictures would help a lot.  there is a ton of info here if you can let us know more so we can steer you straight.

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