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I am a newbie and would like to learn more about glazing techniques. I am looking for suggestions for the best books that would explain glazing. I don't think I am yet ready to mix my own but I would like to learn more. Please suggest books that have helped you. Thanks.

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There are many good books on glaze.

Here are what I consider four excellent examples

Mastering Cone 6 Glazes by Ron Roy and John Hesselbeth

Cone 6 glazes by Michael Bailey

High Fire Glazes by John Britt

Clay and Glazes for the Potter by Daniel Rhodes and re-edited by Robin Hopper


Another is Revealing Glazes by Ian Currie,


Even though the temperature specific books are for a particular temperature range, they all explain how chemicals work in a glaze recipe.



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and two other classics that have more technical information, if you are so inclined:


the potter's dictionary of materials and techniques, by frank and janet hamer

ceramic science for the potter, by wg lawrence


i'm curious why you say you're not ready to mix your own? that is exactly where you should start, and it's the easiest thing in the world. just get a few recipes from books or the net, try that a few times, and then start combining them, or use an existing recipe and swap out one material for another, or change the percentages a little, just to see what happens.

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I would add


The Potter's Encyclopedia of Color, Form, and Decoration by Neal French


Its a great starter book, gives you the base recipes and uses 6 colorants and what they do in four different firing scenarios. It also adjusts the percentage of colorant, gives cross blends and other uses with color photos of each test tile. Its a good basic reference book. It also has lots of photos of various types of pottery, and a good reference of many different shapes with a profile of each.


Hope that helps. I curious what other peoples thoughts are on this book.



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Guest JBaymore

Are you talking about glazing TECHNIQUES................. or glaze formulation, chemistry, and firing?


Most here seem to have headed toward the technical side. I am guessing that you maybe are talking about application and aestheticdecision making?





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Thank you all for the suggestions. I am really looking to learn as much as possible but as John said I am especially interested in techniques and application. I will start with a couple of the books suggested and work from there. Thanks again for your prompt response.



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If you decide to start making your own glazes, be sure to check out www.glazecal.com. GlazeCal is a reference tool that converts glaze recipe percentages into the correct gram weight. It is especially useful to artists that are limited to commercial glazes, but would like to start making their own glazes. Hope this helps! Best Wishes!



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