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Kiln Amperage Question


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I'm looking into getting an L&L Plug-N-Fire Kiln which says on the website it requires a 15amp breaker for the 12.5 amps that it uses. 
I would use the 15amp breaker outlet (?) I'm not sure of electrical terminology) that's in my garage. I know the recommended use for a 15amp breaker is 12amp, so I'm wondering if the extra .5 amperage use could cause a problem. 
I had an electrician come to my place to give me a quote for replacing the 15amp with 20amp (turns out it's quite expensive) and I had quickly asked him if I were leave it a 15 would 12.5 be okay, he said yes. But I realized later that I'm not sure if he knows how long firings are. In this case, could running it for several hours cause potential problems?


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